Easy Shortcuts Help

"Easy Shortcuts" is a status bar menu application. Upon launching the application, an "ES" icon will become available in the status bar at the top of your screen. Press the "ES" icon in the status bar or enter the default keyboard shortcut "⌘ + ⇧ + E" to access the shortcut dropdown menu.

The dropdown will initially have only two options:

The preferences screen has two main functions:

To configure the global shortcut:

  1. Click the "⌘ + ⇧ + E" button to the right of the "Shortcut" label
  2. Type the desired shortcut on your keyboard (must include at least one modifier key)
  3. Click "Confirm"
  4. Close the preferences window and try out your newly chosen shortcut to confirm it is working and does not collide with a shortcut already being used by the operating system or some other application.

To add items to the shortcut dropdown:

  1. Either click on the "+" button in the bottom right corner or type the "+" key on your keyboard
  2. Select which type of item you would like to add:
  3. Select a keyboard shortcut for this item (same process as before)
  4. Select the paths of the files, directories, links or applications you would like this shortcut to open
  5. Optionally, type in a different name for the shortcut item
  6. Click "Save"
  7. Verify your shortcut is working by activating the shortcut dropdown and then pressing the chosen shortcut

To edit shortcut items:

  1. Click on the shortcut you wish to edit
  2. Either: double click the item again, press the "enter" key, or click on the "Edit" button
  3. Make your desired changes (same process as before)
  4. Click "Save"
  5. Verify your shortcut is working

To change shortcut item positions:

  1. Click on the shortcut you wish to move
  2. Verify that your shortcut items are in the correct positions in the shortcut dropdown

To remove shortcut items:

  1. Click on the shortcut you wish to remove
  2. Either: press the "⌫" key on your keyboard, or click the "-" button
  3. Verify the shortcut item has been removed from the shortcut dropdown